Some Environmental Challenges in the Aquatic Environment of Egypt

23/09/2016 ore 11:00 presso Sede IRSA Montelibretti (Roma) - Sala Riunioni primo piano
Prof. Medhat Ahmed Abdel Khalek IBRAHIM - National Research Center, Egypt
Some Environmental Challenges in the Aquatic Environment of Egypt

This talk presents the research overview of Prof. Medhat Ibrahim, with an introduction about current projects specially those dealing with studying the aquatic environment of the river Nile in Egypt. The talk will introduce spectroscopic analyses for Nile sediment at greater Cairo region, using FTIR and molecular modeling calculations. The talk will present the recent work in the remediation of heavy metals from the wastewater using the modified aquatic plant water hyacinth.
Prof. Medhat Ahmed Abdel Khalek IBRAHIM
Prof of Applied Spectroscopy
Head of Spectroscopy Department
National Research Center, Egypt
Secretary of the Egyptian National Committee for Pure and Applied Physics, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology