Annamaria Zoppini, Ricercatore

email zoppini AT
Address Via Salaria km 29,300
C.P. 10
00015 Monterotondo St. (RM)
Telephone +39 06 90672792
Fax +39 06 90672787

Research Topics
  • Microbial ecology: description of carbon fluxes mediated by microbial communities in relation to environmental factors
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • MIRAGE (Mediterranean Intermittent River ManAGEment), 7th FP EU n. 211732 - WP7, Dangerous substances
  • Enzyme in the environment, Research Coordination Network (RCN) National Science Foundation (USA). Steering Committee Member
  • SESAME (Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes) 6th Research Framework Programme of the European Union GOCE 2006-036949. Responsible: WP 3.8.2 Carbon uptake and release by water column
  • Responsible for the Sub-Project DG.RSTL.069.006 (funded by the CNR): The dormant bacteria are really inactive?
Recent Publications
  • Zoppini A., Marxsen J. 2010. Importance of Extracellular Enzymes for Biogeochemical Processes in Temporary River Sediments during Fluctuating Dry-Wet Conditions. In: G. Shukla and A. Varma (eds.), Soil Enzymology, Soil Biology 22, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-14225-3_6, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011: 103-117
  • Zoppini A., Amalfitano S., Fazi S., Puddu A. 2010. Dynamics of a benthic microbial community in a riverine environment subject to hydrological fluctuations (Mulargia River, Italy). Hydrobiologia 657:37–51.
  • Marxsen J., Zoppini A., Wilczeck S. 2010. Microbial communities in streambed sediments recovering from desiccation. FEMS Microbial Ecology (2010) 71:374-386
  • Fazi S., Amalfitano S., Piccini P., Zoppini A., Puddu A., Pernthaler J. 2008. Colonization of overlaying water by bacteria from dry river sediments Environmental Microbiology, 10(10):2760-2772
  • Amalfitano S., Fazi S., Zoppini A., Barra Caracciolo A., Grenni P., Puddu A. 2008. Responses of benthic bacteria to experimental drying in sediments from Mediterranean temporary rivers. Microbial Ecology, 55: 270-279
  • Zoppini A., Puddu A., Fazi S., Rosati M., Sist P. 2005. Extracellular enzyme activity and dynamics of bacterial community in mucilaginous aggregates of the northern Adriatic Sea. The Science of the Total Environment, 353:270-286
  • Malits A., Peters F., Bayer M., Marrasé C., Zoppini A., Guadayol O., Alcaraz M. 2004. Effects of small-scale turbulance on bacteria: a matter of size. Microbial Ecology, 48(3):287-446
  • Puddu A., Zoppini A., Fazi S., Rosati M., Amalfitano S., Magaletti E. 2003. Bacterial uptake of DOM released from P-limited phytoplankton. FEMS Microbial Ecology , 46:257-268

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