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Microcokit Project Training School

Rome, April 4-6 2017
IRSA - CNR, Area della Ricerca RM1
Microcokit Project TRAINING SCHOOL - Methods for detecting and quantifying aquatic microbial communities

MicroCokit - Microbial Community-based sequencing analysis linked to anthropogenic pressures: MicroCoKit to address the water quality - is a FP7 Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways project funded under the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP call. It is a close cooperation between academic groups (CNR-IRSA-IT, EU-JRC, MBA-UK) and leading private enterprises (LGC-UK and NTBC-Spain).
The MicroCokit project, coordinated by CNR-IRSA, has been conceived to investigate and identify aquatic indicators based on microbial communities linked to anthropogenic pressures. It foster the transfer of knowledge among the partners through seconded staff from academia to company and vice versa with the final goal to bring to the market faster, sensitive and robust tools to assess the water quality based on quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) techniques.
The three day Training Course is aimed to disseminate molecular bio-tools for the characterization of microbial communities under different anthropogenic pressures.
This informative course is beneficial for personnel involved with, or participating in, molecular biology-related and biotechnological research, other technical operations and basic/applied research.
The course will be presented by the Project Partners involved in the MicroCokit Marie Curie Action and will show molecular methods used to sample and to assess natural microbial communities.