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Bioremediation of sediment contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using biofilms as a delivery vehicle

10 gennaio 2017 ore 12:00 presso Sede IRSA Montelibretti (Roma) - Sala Riunioni primo piano
Prof. Birthe Veno Kjellerup - Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Maryland, USA
Bioremediation of sediment contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using biofilms as a delivery vehicle

Removal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from contaminated sediments is a priority because of their ability to enter the food chain and due to their toxicity. Commonly adopted remedies include dredging and capping which are associated with challenges including disruption of existing habitat and high cost. While in situ microbial degradation of PCBs represents an improvement, previous attempts have failed because of PCB stability, low bioavailability, low abundance and activity of indigenous PCB-degrading microorganisms. The high efficiency of activated carbon (AC) and other porous substrates to quickly adsorb PCBs from sediments has been demonstrated. Co-localizing PCB-degrading microbes onto surfaces of sorptive particles as biofilms and utilization as a delivery system provides a novel approach to address PCB contamination. In this study, biofilm covered adsorbent materials including AC were evaluated for enhancement of PCB dechlorination.