Michele Vurro, Dirigente di Ricerca

email michele.vurro AT ba.irsa.cnr.it
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820549
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Water Resources Integrated Management under conditions of limited resource
  • Impact of climate change on water resources and identification of optimal strategies for adaptation.
  • Balance models for surface and ground water resources.
  • Methodologies and techniques for groundwater resources protection.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Development of water balance models applied to ground and surface water resources;
  • Assessment of impacts due to climate change on ground and surface water resources and definition of downscaling techniques
  • Identification of adaptation strategies of water resources due to climate change
  • Assessment of aquifer recharge in Mediterranean area
  • CIRCE: Climate Change and Impacts Research: the Mediterranean Environment
  • Operational Understandingbetween National Civil Protection Department and IRSA on watr resources management and protection
  • Rivona: Network of public workshop on "Risk Reduction of Flight and Airport Nowcasting"
  • GeSAP: Development of a model of sustainable management of Puglia aquifers
  • TIZIANO: Monitoring system of quality and quantity for groundwater resources in Puglia Region
Recent Publications
  • Zaccaria, D., Oueslati, I., Neale, C.M.U.,Lamaddalena, N., Vurro, M.,Pereira, L.S.: “Flexible delivery schedules to improve farm irrigation and reduce pressure on groundwater: a case study in southern Italy”, Irrigation Science, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s00271-009-0186-8.
  • PORTOGHESE, I. & VURRO, M., MARIOTTI, A.: “Impatti sul ciclo idrologico e risorse idriche” in “Impatti dei Cambiamenti Climatici in Italia”, S. Castellari e V. Artale (eds),Bonomia University Press, 2009 (in stampa).
  • PAGNOTTA R., VURRO M.: “Water Scarcity And Drought: The Ongoing Process To Link Science And Policy”, EURAQUA CONFERENCE 2008, EURAQUA,OSLO (NORWAY) 23/10/2008 - 24/10/2008
  • LOPEZ, A., VURRO, M.: “Planning agricultural wastewater reuse in southern Italy: The case of Apulia Region”, Desalination, 2008, 218, 164-169.
  • GIORDANO, R., PASSARELLA, G., URICCHIO, V.F., VURRO M.: “An integrated consensus support system for conflict analysis in water resources management”, Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 84 (2) 213-228.
  • M.C. CAPUTO, J. NIMMO, M. VURRO: “Impiego della Forza Centrifuga per la Determinazione Diretta delle Proprietá Idrauliche di Rocce Porose in Condizioni di Saturazione Variabile (Quasi-Steady Centrifuge Method)”IGEA, 2007, 44 (1) 49-55
  • REFSGAARD, J.C.; NILSSON, B.; BROWN, J.; KLAUER, B.; MOORE, R.; BECH, T.; VURRO, M.; BLIND, M.; CASTILLA, G.; TSANIS, I.; BIZA, P: “Harmonised Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management (HarmoniRiB)”, Environmental Science & Policy, 2005, 8,267–277
  • GIORDANO, R., PASSARELLA, G., URICCHIO, V.F., VURRO, M.: “Fuzzy cognitive maps for issue identification in a water resources conflict resolution system”, Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, 2005, 30 (6/7), 463-469.
  • PORTOGHESE, I.; URICCHIO, V.F.; VURRO, M.: “A GIS Tool for Hydrogeological Balance Evaluation at Regional Scale in Semi-Arid Environments”, Computer & Geosciences, 2005, 31, 15-27 .

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