Alfieri Pollice, Primo Ricercatore

email alfieri.pollice AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820531
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Biological wastewater treatment processes (optimization, integration, and byproducts).
  • Membrane filtration and membrane bioreactors (MBR).
  • Combination of chemical, physical and biological processes for wastewater treatment.
  • Novel approaches to biomass characterization.
  • Sustainable technologies for reuse of treated wastewater.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Intergrated MBR/AOP processes for industrial wastewater treatment (Innowatech project, FP6)
  • Metaproteomics for functional characterization of microbial consortia in MBR (MBR TRAIN project, FP6).
  • Applications of membrane filtration to biological wastewater treatment, also aimed at effluent reclamation.
Recent Publications
  • Mascolo G., Balest L., Cassano D., Laera G., Lopez A., Pollice A., Salerno C. (2010) – Biodegradability of pharmaceutical industrial wastewater and formation of recalcitrant organic compounds during aerobic biological treatment. Bioresource Technology (accepted, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.10.057).
  • Laera G., Pollice A., Saturno D., Giordano C., Sandulli R. (2009) - Influence of sludge retention time on biomass characteristics and cleaning requirements in a membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment. Desalination, Vol. 236, n. 1-3, pp. 104-110.
  • Pollice A., Laera G., Saturno D., Giordano C. (2008) - Effects of sludge retention time on the performance of a membrane bioreactor treating municipal sewage. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 317, pp. 65-70.
  • Laera G., Giordano C., Pollice A., Saturno D., Mininni G. (2007) - Membrane bioreactor sludge rheology at different solid retention times. Water Research, Vol 41, n. 18, pp.4197-4203.
  • Pollice A., Giordano C., Laera G., Saturno D., Mininni G. (2007) - Physical characteristics of the sludge in a complete retention membrane bioreactor. Water Research, Vol. 41, n. 8, pp. 1832-1840.
  • Lonigro A., Pollice A., Spinelli R., Berrilli F., Di Cave D., D’Orazi C., Cavallo P., Brandonisio O. (2006) - Evaluation of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts in membrane-filtered municipal wastewater used for irrigation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 72, n. 12, pp. 7916-7918.
  • Laera G., Pollice A., Saturno D., Giordano C., Lopez A. (2005) – Zero net growth in a membrane bioreactor with complete sludge retention. Water Research, Vol. 39, n. 20, pp. 5241-5249.
  • DiGiano F., Andreottola G., Adham S., Buckley C., Cornel P., Daigger G.T., Fane A.G., Galil N., Jacangelo G.J., Pollice A., Rittmann B.E., Rozzi A., Stephenson T., Ujang Z. (2004) – Membrane bioreactor technology and sustainable water. Water Environment & Research, vol. 76, n. 3, pp. 195-196.

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