Research activities / Ongoing ProjectsApplied research for:
- defining methodologies and models for water monitoring optimization,
- developing methodologies for quantifying the uncertainty associated with monitoring data and its model propagation,
- defining tools and methods for filling time-series gaps in incomplete datasets,
- designing and developing simulation models for non quantitative variables,
- use of spatial data mining techniques for knowledge discovery in densely populated databases.
- TIZIANO – “Qualitative and quantitative monitoring system of Apulian Groundwater systems“ (Contract RP-CNR-IRSA n.007634 del 10/11/2006).
- HarmoniRiB – “Harmonized Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management” (UE contract EVK1-CT-2002-00109), funded by UE, within the VFP.
- HarmonIT – “Enabling mix and match modelling for integrated water management”, funded by UE, within the VFP.
- Harmoni-CA – “Harmonized Modelling Tools for Integrated Basin Management” (EU contract EVK-CT-2002-00121), concerted action funded by UE, within the VFP.
- PRIMAC – “Protection of coastal aquifers from seawater intrusion”, Funded by EU within the INTERREG IIIA Program – Greece-Italy.
Recent Publications
- Giordano R., Passarella G., Uricchio V.F., Vurro M. Integrating conflict analysis and consensus reaching in a decision support system for water resources management, Journal Of Environmental Management, n.84, n.2, 213-218. ISSN: 03014797, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.05.006, 2006
- Passarella G., Caputo M.C. A Methodology for Space-Time Classification of Groundwater Quality, Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, Vol.115, n.1-3, 95-117. ISSN: 01676369, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-006-6547-3, 2006.
- Giordano R., Passarella G., Uricchio V.F., Vurro M. Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Issue Identification in a Water Resources Conflict Resolution System, Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, Vol.30, n. 6/7, 463-469. ISSN: 14747065, DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2005.06.012, 2005,
- Passarella G., Vurro M., D’agostino V., Barcelona M. J. Cokriging optimization of monitoring network configuration based on fuzzy and non-fuzzy variogram evaluation, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol.82, N.1, 1–21. ISSN: 01676369, DOI: 10.1023/A:10216-627-0555-4, 2003,
- Passarella G., Vurro M., D’agostino V., Giuliano G., Barcelona M.J., A probabilistic methodology to assess the risk of groundwater quality degradation, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol.79, 7–74. ISSN: 01676369, DOI: 10.1023/A:1020033808025, 2002,
- D’Agostino V., Greene E.A., Passarella G., Vurro M. Spatial and temporal study of nitrate concentration in groundwater by means of coregionalization, Environmental Geology, Vol.36, n.3/4, 285-295. ISSN: 09430105, DOI: 10.1007/s002540050344, 1998,
- Kehew A.E., Steinmann W.K., Barrese P.G., Passarella G., Peng W.S. Ground-water Quality and Flow in a Shallow Glaciofluvial Aquifer impacted by Agricultural Contamination, GROUND WATER, Vol.34, n.3, 491-500. ISSN: 0017467X, 1996,
- Masciopinto C., Passarella G., Vurro M., Castellano L. Numerical Simulations for Drainage and Imbibition of Porous Media: Comparison between Two Different Approaches, Advances in Engineering Software, n.21, 149-157. ISSN: 09659978, 1994.