Stefano Fazi, Primo Ricercatore

email fazi AT
Address Via Salaria km 29,300
C.P. 10
00015 Monterotondo St. (RM)
Telephone +39 06 90672790
Fax +39 06 90672787

Research Topics
  • Aquatic ecology
  • Composition and diversity of aquatic microbial assemblages by molecular approaches
  • Microbial biofilm structure and function: from natural environments to bioresource technology
  • Interactions between microorganisms and surface/groundwater characteristics
  • Impact of anthropogenic activities and climate changes on microbial communities in groundwater, riverine and coastal systems
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • ANT-Biofilm Microbial colonization of benthic Antarctic environments: responses of microbial abundances, diversity, activities and larval settlement to natural or anthropogenic disturbances and search for secondary metabolites.
  • DeepCarbon - Census of deep life Geobiochemical investigation on thermal water pools: unravelling the interplay between microbes and deep-sourced fluids.
  • DNAqua-net: COST Action CA15219 - Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe.
  • Ocean4Biotech: COST Action CA18238 - European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology.
Recent Publications

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