Antonio Lo Porto, Ricercatore

Lo Porto
email antonio.loporto AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820532
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Landscape planning at a watershed scale.
  • Water pollution from non-point sources: use of management models to simulate at catchment and field scale water, sediment and nutrient balance.
  • Design and evaluation of alternative policies to control non-point sources pollution (Best Management Practices in agriculture)
  • Integrated Water Resources Management under scarcity conditions, in developing Countries, under climate change impacts.
  • Study of hillslope hydrology, erosion and nutrient transport in river catchments in Mediterranean semi-arid environment.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Project  “Mediterranean intermittent river management (MIRAGE)” EU FP7 contract 211732.
    Role: Steering Committee member, co-ordinator and scientific responsible of the IRSA team, contact person for one of the two mirror basins.
  • Project “Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate change impacts and European water policies (CLIMATEWATER), EU FP7 contract 211894.
    Role: Work Package leader (WP2: Water Impacts), Steering Committee member, co-ordinator and scientific responsible of the IRSA team.
  • Project “Strategy and methodology for improved Integrated Water Resources Management – An integrated interdisciplinary assessment in four twinning river basins (STRIVER)”, EU FP6 contract 37141.
    Role: work package leader (WP7: IWRM in the twinned Tungabhadra and Glomma river basins, with focus on water pollution), Steering Committee member, co-ordinator and scientific responsible of the IRSA team, hydrological modelling in the Tungabhadra river catchment (INDIA).
  • COST Action 869 “Mitigation Options for Nutrient Reductions in Surface Waters and Groundwaters” funded by the European Science Fundation (ESF). Italian National Delegate in the Management Committee, Steering Group member, co-chair of the  WG3 “(“Mitigation options”).
  • Project “Scientific Coordination Project” 2nd IWRM-NET “call for proposals”, EU ERA-NET. Evaluation and monitoring of research projects funded by the 2nd IWRM-NET Funding Initiative.
Recent Publications
  • Silgram M.,, Schoumans O., Walvoort D., Anthony S., Groenendijk P., Stromqvist J., Bouraoui F., Arheimer B., Kapetanaki M., Lo Porto A.  and Mårtensson K., (2009), Subannual models for catchment management: evaluating model performance on three test catchments, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 526.
  • Schoumans O., Silgram M., Walvoort D., Groenendijk P., Bouraoui F., Andersen H., Lo Porto A.,  Reisser H., Le Gall G., Anthony S., Arheimer B., Johnsson H., Panagopoulos Y., Mimikou M., Zweynert U., Behrendt H., Barr A., (2009),  Evaluation of the difference of eight model applications to assess diffuse annual nutrient losses from agricultural land, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 540.
  • Silgram M.,, Anthony S., Collins A., Strőmqvist J., Bouraoui F., Schoumans O., Lo Porto A., Groenendijk P.,  Arheimer B., Mimikou M., and Johnsson H., (2009),  Evaluation of diffuse pollution model applications in EUROHARP catchments with limited data, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 554.
  • Kronvang B.,  Behrendt H., Andersen H., Arheimer B., Barr A., Borgvang S., Bouraoui F.,  Granlund K., Grizzetti B., Groenendijk P., Schwaiger E., Hejzlar J., Hoffman L., Johnsson H., Panagopoulos Y., Lo Porto A., Reisser H,  Schoumans O., Anthony S., Silgram M., Venohr M.  and Larsen S., (2009),  Ensemble modelling of nutrient loads and nutrient load partitioning in 17 European catchments, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 572.
  • Hejzlar J., Anthony S., Arheimer B., Behrendt H., Bouraoui F., Grizzetti B., Groenendijk P., Jeuken M., Johnsson H., Lo Porto A., Kronvang B., Panagopoulos Y., Siderius C., Silgram M., Venohrd M. and Žaloudíka J., (2009), Nitrogen and phosphorus retention in surface waters: an inter-comparison of predictions by catchment models of different complexity, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 584.
  • Vagstad, N., French H., Andersen H., Behrendt H.,, Grizzetti B., Groenendijk P., Lo Porto A., Reisser H,  Siderius C., Stromquist J., Hejzlar J. and J. Deelstra J., (2009), Comparative study of model prediction of diffuse nutrient losses in response to changes in agricultural practices, J. Environ. Monit., 2009, 11, 594.
  • Gallart F., Amaxidis Y., Botti P., Canè G., Castillo V., Chapman P., Froebrich J.*, García-Pintado J., Latron J., Llorens P., Lo Porto A.,  Morais M., Neves R, Ninov P., Perrin J., Ribarova I., Skoulikidis N.,  Tournoud M., (2008). Investigating hydrological regimes and processes in a set of catchments with temporary waters in Mediterranean Europe, Hydrological Sciences–Journal–des Sciences Hydrologiques, 53(3)  2008, 618-628
  • Leone A., Ripa N., Boccia L., Lo Porto A., (2008),  Phosphorus Export from Agricultural Land: a simple approach, Biosystems Engineering, 101 (2008) , 270-280