Raffaele Giordano, Ricercatore

email raffaele.giordano AT ba.irsa.cnr.it
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820534
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Methodologies and tools to support water resources management processes;
  • Methodologies and tools to support stakeholders' involvement in water resources management;
  • Conflicts analysis in water resources management;
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of water management policies;
  • Problem structuring methods and risk perceptions analysis for water resources.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Adaptive Monitoring System.. Project: NeWater, Integrated Project 6th Framework Program. Case study: Amudarya Delta (Uzbekistan).
  • Conflicts analysis to support groundwater management and protection. Project: GESAP. Case study: Apulia Region (South Italy).
  • Methodologies to facilitate policy – research interactions on water management. Project: BESSE. Case study: municipality ofSant'Arcangelo di Rieti.
  • Elicitation and analysis of drought perceptions. Project: PRIN2008. Case study: Trasimeno Lake (Central Italy).
  • Methodologies for integrated risk scenarios analysis. Project: …
Recent Publications
  • Giordano, R., Liersch, S., Vurro, M., 2009, Integrating local and technical knowledge to support soil salinity monitoring in the Amudarya river basin. Accepted by Journal of Environmental Management.
  • Giordano, R., Passarella, G.., 2009, Conflict analysis using fuzzy decision support system: a case study in Apulia region, Italy. Accepted for publication in Papathanasiou, J., Manos, B., Paparizzos, K., Matsatsinis, N. (eds). Decision support systems in agriculture, food and the environment: trends, applications and advances, IGI Global, Hershey, USA.
  • Giordano, R., Passarella, G., Uricchio, V.F., Vurro, M., 2007, “Integrating conflict analysis and consensus reaching in a Decision Support System for water resource management”, Journal of Environmental Management, 84, 213-228.
  • Giordano, R., Vurro, M., Uricchio, V.F., 2006, “Monitoring information system to support integrated decision-making”. In “The adaptiveness of IWRM; analysing european iwrm research”. (Timmermann J.G., Sendzimir J., Moeltgen j., eds.), London - ed. IWA publishing.
  • Giordano, R., Passarella, G., Uricchio, V.F., Vurro, M., 2005, “Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Issue Identification in a Water Resources Conflict Resolution System”, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 30, 463-469.
  • Uricchio V.F., Giordano R., Lopez N., 2004, “A Fuzzy Expert System for groundwater pollution risk evaluation”, Journal of Environmental Management, 73, 189-197.

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