Monica Garnier, Ricercatore

email monica.garnier AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820529
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Water pollution from non-point sources: use of management models to simulate water, sediment and nutrient balance, so to assess the consequences on water bodies of alternative management practices and land uses aimed at rural  planning.
  • Identification and evaluation of alternative agronomical practices to minimize non-point pollution (agricultural Best Management Practices) of water bodies.
  • Integrated Water Resources Management under scarcity conditions, taking into consideration the effects of climate change.
  • Study of hillslope hydrology, erosion and nutrient transport in Mediterranean semi-arid river catchments.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Project “Mediterranean intermittent river management (MIRAGE)” EU FP7 contract 211732.
    Aim of the project is the investigation of the possibility to apply specific management options to temporary rivers typical of the Mediterranean area, so to assess the applicability of the Water Framework Directive (Dir. 2000/60/EC) to these water courses.
  • Project “Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate change impacts and European water policies (CLIMATEWATER)”, EU FP7 contract 211894.
    Aim of the project is the analysis of the data referred to the impacts on water bodies that are likely to occur as a consequence of the climate changes. The project also aims at the identification of adaptation strategies to face these impacts.
  • COST Action 869 “Mitigation Options for Nutrient Reductions in Surface Waters and Groundwaters” funded by the European Science Fundation (ESF).
    Main objective of the action is to perform a scientific evaluation of the suitability and cost-effectiveness of different options for reducing nutrient loss to surface and groundwaters, including their limitations
Recent Publications
  • Garnier M., Recanatesi F., Ripa N., Leone A. (2009) “Agricultural nitrate monitoring in a lake basin in central Italy: a further step ahead towards an integrated nutrient management aimed at controlling water pollution”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1231-z. Published online: 13 November 2009.
  • Garnier M., Recanatesi F., Ripa N., Leone A.(2008)”Integrated Nutrient Management to Control Water Pollution. A Further Step Ahead Referred To An Italian Lake Basin”.     21st Century Watershed Technology: Improving Water Quality and Environment, Am. Soc of Agric. And Biol. Eng (ASABE), Atti Su Cd-Rom. University of Conception - Conception (Cile) 29/03 – 03-/04.
  • Garnier M., Passarella G., Lo Porto A. (2007) impatto del cambiamento climatico su erosione e perdita di nutrienti dal suolo agricolo nel bacino dell’Enza.  Clima e Cambiamenti Climatici: Le Attivitá di Ricerca del CNR, Roma - ed. Dipartimento Terra E Ambiente – CNR 581-584.
  • Garnier M., Leone A., Lo Porto A., Recanatesi F. (2007)    “Monitoring Agricultural Phosphorous And Nitrogen Export Into A Lake In Central Italy     Localisation Of Critical Source Areas In Catchments”. COST ACTION 869 (Mitigation Options For Nutrient Reduction In Surface Water And Grounwaters). Hamar (Norvegia) 22-25 Maggio.
  • Ripa M.N., Leone A., Garnier M., Lo Porto A. (2006) “Agricultural Land Use And Best Management Practices To Control Nonpoint Water Pollution”  Environmental Management  38 (2):  253-266.  ISSN: 0364-152X Springer.
  • Turpin N., Bontems P., Rotillon G., Barlund I., Kaljonen M., Tattari S., Feichtinger F., Strauss P., Garnier M., Lo Porto A., Benigni G., Leone A., Ripa N.M., Eklo O., Romstad E., Bioteau T., Birgand F., Bordenave P., Laplana R., Lescot Jm., Piet L., (2005): “AgriBMPWater: System approach to environmentally acceptable farming”. Environmental Modelling and Software 20 (2005) 187-196.  ISSN: 1364-8152  Elsevier.
  • Turpin N.,  Laplana R.,  Strauss P., Kaljonen M., Barlund I., Benigni G.,  Bioteau T., Birgand F., Bontems P., Bordenave P., Eklo O.M.,  Feichtinger F., Garnier M.,  Haverkamp R.,  Leone A.., Lescot J. M., Lo Porto A., Laurent P., Ripa M.N., Romstad E., Rotillon G., Tattari S., Zahm F. (2005) “Une démarche pour comparer le coût, l`efficacité et l`acceptabilité de pratiques agricoles respectueuses de l`environnement” INGÉNIERIES - E AT 43 (9) ISSN: 1264-9147
  • Turpin N.,  Laplana R.,  Strauss P., Kaljonen M., Barlund I., Benigni G.,  Bioteau T., Birgand F., Bontems P., Bordenave P., Eklo O.M.,  Feichtinger F., Garnier M.,  Haverkamp R.,  Leone A.., Lescot J. M., Lo Porto A.., Laurent P., Ripa M.N., Romstad E., Rotillon G., Tattari S., Zahm F. (2004). Guidelines to compare Best Management Practices at watershed scale – Concepts, methods, demonstration implementation. Linee guida prodotte nell’ambito del progetto «Systems Approach to Environmentally Acceptable Farming» (AgriBMPWater  - UE contract  EVK1-CT-1999-00025  5 FP) 35 pp..

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