Claudio Di Iaconi, Primo Ricercatore

Di Iaconi
email claudio.diiaconi AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820525
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
Recent Publications
  • Di Iaconi C., De Sanctis M., Rossetti S., Ramadori R. (2010). SBBGR technology for minimising excess sludge production in biological processes. Water Research 44, 1825-1832.
  • De Sanctis M., Di Iaconi C., Lopez A., Rossetti S. (2010). Granular biomass structure and population dynamics in Sequencing Batch Biofilter Granular Reactor (SBBGR). Bioresource Technology 101, pp. 2152-2158.
  • Di Iaconi C., Pagano M., Ramadori R., Lopez A. (2010). Nitrogen recovery from a stabilized municipal landfill leachate. Bioresource Technology 101, pp. 1732-1736.
  • Di Iaconi C., Ramadori R., Lopez A. (2009). The effect of ozone on tannery wastewater biological treatment at demonstrative scale. Bioresource Technology 100 (23), pp. 6121-6124.
  • Balest L., Lopez A., Mascolo G., Di Iaconi C. (2008). Removal of endocrine disrupter compounds from municipal wastewater using an aerobic granular biomass reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal 41 (3), pp. 288-294.
  • Di Iaconi C., Ramadori R., Lopez A., Passino R. (2007). Aerobic granular sludge systems: The new generation of wastewater treatment technologies. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 46 (21), pp. 6661-6665.
  • Di Iaconi C., Ramadori R., Lopez A., Passino R. (2006) Influence of hydrodynamic shear forces on properties of granular biomass in a sequencing batch biofilter reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal 30 (2), pp. 152-157.
  • Di Iaconi C., Ramadori R., Lopez A., Passino R. (2005). Hydraulic shear stress calculation in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor with granular biomass. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (3), pp. 889-894.

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