Sara Valsecchi, Ricercatore

email valsecchi AT
Address Via del Mulino, 19
20047 Brugherio (MB)
Telephone +39 039 21694211
Fax +39 039 2004692

Research Topics
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
Recent Publications
  • Croce V., De Angelis S., Patrolecco L., Polesello S. and Valsecchi S. (2005) Uptake and Accumulation of Sediment Associated Nonylphenol in Benthic Invertebrate (Lumbriculus variegatus, Freshwater Oligochaete), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 1165-1171.
  • Guglielmin M., Camusso M., Polesello S. and Valsecchi S. (2004) An old relict glacier body preserved in permafrost environment: the Foscagno rock glacier ice core (Upper Valtellina, Italian Central Alps), Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research, 36, 108-116.
  • Patrolecco L., Capri S., De Angelis S., Polesello S. and Valsecchi S. (2004) Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental solid matrices by extraction with a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 80), Journal of Chromatography A, 1022, 1-7.
  • Balerna A., Bernieri E., Pecci M., Polesello S., Smiraglia C. and Valsecchi S. (2003) Chemical and radio-chemical composition of freshsnow samples from northern slopes of Himalayas (Cho Oyu range, Tibet), Atmospheric Environment , 37, 1573-1581.
  • Viganò L., Arillo A., Buffagni A., Camusso M., Ciannarella R., Crosa G., Falugi C., Galassi S., Guzzella L., Lopez A., Mingazzini M., Pagnotta R., Patrolecco L., Tartari G. and Valsecchi S. (2003) Quality assessment of bed sediments of the Po river (Italy), Water Research 37, 501-518.