Franco Salerno, Ricercatore

email salerno AT
Address Via del Mulino, 19
20047 Brugherio (MB)
Telephone +39 039 21694221
Fax +39 039 2004692

Research Topics
  • Impact of climate change on quantity and quality of water bodies
  • Environmental hydrology, in particular modification of rainfall-runoff processes.
  • Eutrophication and effects on ecological quality of lakes and rivers
  • Development of environmental model in System Dynamics.
  • Application of the model SWAT (hydrology and transport of nutrients)
  • Theoretical and experimental nutrient loads evaluation at watershed scale.
  • Physical-chemical unit operations and processes for urban storm water and Combined Sewage Overflows.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • 2009-2011, PIRoGA Project (Integrate lake/catchment project for the restoration of ecological quality and hydrological management of the Lake Pusiano).
  • 2010, Project SHARE Stelvio for evaluating the impact of climate change on the regional water resources.
Recent Publications
  • Lami A., Marchetto A., Musazzi S., Salerno F., Tartari G., Guilizzoni P., Rogora M., Tartari G.A. 2010. Chemical and biological response of two small lakes in the Khumbu Valley, Himalayas (Nepal) to short-term variability and climatic change as detected by long-term monitoring and paleolimnological methods. Hydrobiologia 648:189-205.
  • Balestrini R., Arese C., Delconte C.A., Lotti A., Salerno F. 2010. Narrow buffer strips in the intensive farming landscape of the Po River watershed (Italy). Ecological Engeneering. In press.
  • Salerno, F., Cuccillato E., Caroli P., Bajracharya B., Manfredi E.C., Viviano G., Thakuri S., Flury B., Basani M., Panzeri D. 2010. Experience with a Hard and Soft Participatory Modeling Framework for Social-Ecological System Management in Mt Everest (Nepal) and K2 (Pakistan) Protected Areas. Mountain Research and Development 30(2): 80-93.
  • Salerno, F., Viviano G., Thakuri S., Flury B., Maskey R.K., Khanal S.N., Bhuju D., Carrer M., Bhochhibhoya S., Melis M.T., Giannino F., Staiano A., Carteni F., Mazzoleni S., Cogo A., Sapkota A., Shrestha S., Pandey R.K., and Manfredi E.C. 2010. Energy, Forest, and Indoor Air Pollution Models for Sagarmatha National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal: Implementation of a Participatory Modeling Framework. Mountain Research and Development 30(2): 113-126.
  • Manfredi, E.C., Flury B., Viviano G., Thakuri S., Khanal S.N., Jha P.K., Maskey R.K., Kayastha R.B., Kafle K.R., Bhochhibhoya S.B., Ghimire N.P., Shrestha B.B., Gyanendra C., Giannino F., Carteni F., Mazzoleni S., and Salerno F. 2010. Solid Waste and Water Quality Management Models for Sagarmatha National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal: Implementation of a Participatory Modeling Framework. Mountain Research and Development 30(2): 127-142.
  • Salerno F. & Tartari G. 2009. A coupled approach of surface hydrological modelling and Wavelet Analysis for understanding the baseflow components of river discharge in karst environments. Journal of Hydrology 376: 295-306.
  • Tartari G., Salerno F., Buraschi E., Bruccoleri G., Smiraglia C. 2008. Lake surface area variations in the North-Eastern sector of Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal) at the end of the 20th Century by comparison of historical maps. Journal of Limnology 67(2):139-154. ISI 2008
  • Salerno F., Buraschi E., Bruccoleri G., Tartari G., Smiraglia C. 2008. Glacier surface-area changes in Sagarmatha national park, Nepal, in the second half of the 20th century, by comparison of historical maps. Journal of Glaciology 54 (187): 738-752. ISI 2008

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