Diego Copetti, Ricercatore

email copetti AT irsa.cnr.it
Address Via del Mulino, 19
20047 Brugherio (MB)
Telephone +39 039 21694215
Fax +39 039 2004692

Research Topics
  • Interaction between physical and bio-geochemical process in lakes
  • Hydrodynamic - ecological modelling of lacustrine environments
  • Lake restoration strategies and legislation support
  • Real time measurement systems
  • Cyanobacterial bloom formation and detection
  • Impact of regional climate change on surface aquatic ecosystem
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Management of emergency induced by cyanobacteria blooms (Planktothrix rubescens) in South Italy reservoir devoted to multiple uses (Lake Occhito, Puglia). Phase I and II.
  • PIRoGA (Integrate lake/catchment project for the restoration of ecological quality and hydrological management of the Lake Pusiano waters).
  • Progetto CIRCE (Climate Change and Impact Research the Mediterranean Environment). Lake Como and Lake Pusiano (Lombardia). European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme.
  • Relationship between algal biomass (chlorophyll and biovolume) and microcystin production during Cyanobacterial blooms.
Recent Publications
  • Laborde S., J. P. Antenucci, D. Copetti and J. Imberger. 2010. Inflow intrusions at multiple scales in a large temperate lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 55(3): 1301-1312.
  • Morillo, S., J. Imberger, J. P. Antenucci and D. Copetti. 2009. Using impellers to distribute local nutrient loadings in a stratified lake: Lake Como, Italy. Journal of hydraulic engineering. 135: 564-574.
  • Copetti, D., G. Tartari, G. Morabito, A. Oggioni, E. Legnani and J. Imberger. 2006. A Biogeochemical model of the Lake Pusiano (North Italy) and its use in the predictability of phytoplankton blooms: first preliminary results. Journal of Limnology. 65: 59-64.
  • Margaritora F. G., E. Cherubini, D. Copetti, E. Legnani, M. Seminara, G. Tartari and D. Vagaggini. 2006. Recent trophic evolution of Lake Pusiano (Northern Italy) with particular reference to zooplanktonic communities. Chemistry and Ecology. 22: 37-47.
  • Tartari, G., E. Buraschi, D. Copetti, F. Salerno, C. Monguzzi, R. Pagnotta and A. Marchetto. 2006. Characterization of the Italian lake-types. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 29: 1811-1816
  • Vuillermoz, E., E. Legnani, D. Copetti and G. Tartari. 2006. Thirty-years of Lake Pusiano (North Italy) evolution. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 29: 2009-2014.
  • Legnani, E., D. Copetti, A. Oggioni, G. Tartari, M. T. Palumbo and G. Morabito. 2005. Planktothrix rubescens' seasonal and spatial distribution in Lake Pusiano (North Italy). Journal of Limnology. 64: 61-73.
  • Tartari, G., D. Copetti and A. Marchetto. 2002. Northern Italian lakes: Regionalization of limnological features and pressure factors relationships. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 28: 223-227.

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