Raffaella Balestrini, Ricercatore

email balestrini AT irsa.cnr.it
Address Via del Mulino, 19
20047 Brugherio (MB)
Telephone +39 039 21694213
Fax +39 039 2004692

Research Topics
  • Nutrient cycling in lotic ecosystems
  • Role of riparian zones in the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous fluxes from agriculture
  • Biogeochemical processes at surface/groundwater interfaces
  • Measure of nutrient retention in rivers
  • Nitrogen cycling in forest an high elevation catchments
  • Chemistry of atmospheric depositions and analysis of pluriannual trends
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Project Life+ INHABIT - Local hydro-morphology, habitat and RBMPs: new measures to improve ecological quality in South European rivers and lakes. I2: Relationship between nutrients, community and environmental conditions.
  • Project Life+ FutMon - Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System. Atmospheric depositions and soil solutions in forest sites in Lombardy.
  • Project “Fondazione Lombardia Ambiente”: The riparian zones of “fontanili”: a natural filter of nutrients and pesticides for the protection of waters in Lombardy
Recent Publications
  • Balestrini, R., Arese C., Delconte C. A, Lotti A., Salerno F. 2010. Nitrogen removal in subsurface water by narrow buffer strips in the intensive farming landscape of the Po River watershed, Italy.Ecol. Eng. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.08.003.
  • Balestrini, R., Arese, C., Delconte, C . 2008 Lacustrine Wetland in an Agricultural Catchment: Nitrogen Removal and Related Biogeochemical Processes. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 539-550.
  • Rogora M., Arese C., Balestrini R., Marchetto A. 2008 Climate control on short- and long-term variations of sulphate and nitrate concentrations in alpine streams of Northern Italy along a N saturation gradient. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 371-381.
  • Balestrini R., Arisci S., Brizzio MC., Mosello R., Rogora M. 2007. Dry deposition of particles and canopy exchange: comparison of wet-only, bulk and throughfall deposition in five forest sites in Italy. Atm. Env., 41, 745-756.
  • Balestrini R., Di Martino N., Van Miegroet H. 2006. Nitrogen cycling and mass balance for a forested catchment in the Italian Alps. Biogeochemistry, 78: 97-123.
  • Balestrini, R., Arese, C., Delconte, C. 2006. Nitrogen removal in a freshwater riparian wetland: an example from italian lowland spring. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol., 29/5, 2217-2220.
  • Balestrini, R., Cazzola, M. & Buffagni A. 2004. Characterising hydromorphological features of selected italian rivers: a comparative application of environmental indices. Hydrobiologia, 516 (1): 365-379.