Andrea Sbrilli, Tecnologo

email sbrilli AT
Address Via Salaria km 29,300
C.P. 10
00015 Monterotondo St. (RM)
Telephone +39 06 90672756
Fax +39 06 90672787

Research Topics
  • Management of international projects on sewage sludge and waste and diffusion of results.
  • Implementation of Stockholm Convention for the reduction of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) from industrial sources (waste incinerators, pulp&paper mills, industrial and power boilers, asphalt production, etc) and not-industrial sources (open burning of waste in dumpsites) with UNIDO (United Nations industrial development organization)
  • Set up and use of analytical techniques for the evaluation of emissions of organic micro pollutants (Dioxins, PCBs, PAHS) from industrial sources and waste disposal.
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Management and dissemination of results of the European research project “ROUTES, Novel processing routes for effective sewage sludge management”
  • Evaluation of the releases of dioxins and furans, PCBs, HCB and mercury from power and industrial boilers in East South East Asia countries (ESEA) in the framework of the and set up of project on waste incinerators and, open burning of waste in African and Asian countries, in the framework of the activities of UNIDO (United nations Industrial development Organization)
  • Set up of three UNIDO projects for the reduction of POPs from waste incineration and open burning of waste in Asian countries (ESEA) and African countries (COMESA-SADC)
Recent Publications
  • Training manual on the environmentally sound management of waste at open burning dumpsite. Capacity building and public awareness raising program on UP- POPs from the open burning of waste at dumpsites in Cambodia. Ottobre 2009
  • A. Sbrilli, G. Mininni, E. Guerriero, M. Rotatori “Dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions from hospital and cemetery waste incineration” Atmospheric Environment, 41 (2007) 8527–8536.
  • “International experience in health care waste management and disposal and applicability to China”. Sino-Italian Project “Environmentally Sustainable Management of Medical Waste in China”. Ottobre 2006
  • G.Mininni, A. Sbrilli, E. Guerriero and M.Rotatori. “Dioxins and Furans formation in pilot incineration tests of sewage sludge spiked with organic chlorine”. Chemosphere 54 (9) 1337-1350 2004.
  • G.Mininni, A. Sbrilli, E. Guerriero and M.Rotatori. “Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation in sludge incineration by fluidised bed and rotary kiln furnace” Water, Air and Soil pollution 154 3-18 2004.
  • L. Zoccolillo, C. Abete, L. Amendola, F. Bocci, R. Ruocco, A. Sbrilli “Halocarbons in aqueous matrices from rennick glacier and ross sea (Antarctica)” International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2004) 84 (6-7) 513-522.

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