David Rossi, Ricercatore

email david.rossi AT irsa.cnr.it
Address Via Salaria km 29,300
C.P. 10
00015 Monterotondo St. (RM)
Telephone +39 06 90672766
Fax +39 06 90672787

Research Topics
  • Surface spatial heterogeneity of geological substrata assessable by imagery analysis to define the complexity of geological features using the pattern distributions of morphological, brittle lineaments and lithological data
  • The analyses of meso/macro-scale brittle deformations elements, as faults, extensional or pressure-solution fractures, to define a potential gradient of water circulation related to the strain hardening and strain softening processes
  • Role of geological heterogeneity as water vehicle for surface and sub-surface circulation
  • Diffusion Rate of a water wehicolate pollutant linked to geological heterogeneity in 2D and 3D
  • Role of geological structures in planning management programmes of polluted areas
  • Water resources for sustainable development
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • PILOT PROJECT (SAMOBIS) Environmental estimation of marine coastal areas and the risk for biodiversity organization. Module II: monitoring of coastal and land disturbance, erosion and runoff
Recent Publications
  • Pilleggi D., Rossi D., Lunedei E. & Albarello D. (2011) - Seismic characterization of rigid sites in the ITACA database by ambient vibration monitoring and geological surveys. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. June 2011, 1-11. DOI. 10.1007/s10518-011-9292-0
  • Rossi L., Costantini M. L., Carlino P., Di Lascio A. & Rossi D. (2010) – Autochthonous and allochthonous plant detritus contributions to volcanic lake coastal deposition: stable isotopes and mixing model study. Aquatic Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-009-0125-z, 227-236
  • Centamore E., Nisio S. & Rossi D. (2009) – s. vittorino sinkhole plain: relationships between structural elements, sinking processes, seismic events and hydrotermal springs. Italian Journal Geoscience, 128 (III), 629-639., 1 Tav
  • Centamore E., Rossi D. & Tavarnelli E. (2009) – Geometry and kinematics of triassic-to-recent structures in the northern-central apennines: a review and an original working hypotesis. Italian Journal Geoscience, 128 (II), 419-432
  • Costantini M. L., Rossi L., Fazi S. & Rossi D. (2009) – Detritus accumulation and decomposition in a coastal lake (acquatina-southern Italy). Aquatic conservation Marine and Freshwater ecosystems, 19 issue 5, 566-574
  • Centamore E., Di Manna P. & Rossi D. (2007) – Kinematic evolution of the Volsci Range: a new overview. Italian Journal Geoscience, 126, (II), 159-172
  • Costantini M. L., Rossi L., Scialanca F., Nascetti G., Rossi D. & Sabetta L. (2007) – Association of riparian features and water chemistry with reed litter breakdown in a volcanic lake (Lake Vico, Italy). Aquatic Sciences, 69, 503-510
  • Rossi D. & Storti F. (2003) – New artificial materials for analogue laboratory experiments: Alluminium and siliceous microspheres. Journal of Structural Geology, 25 (2003), 1893-1899

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