Camilla Braguglia, Ricercatore

email braguglia AT
Address Via Salaria km 29,300
C.P. 10
00015 Monterotondo St. (RM)
Telephone +39 06 90672798
Fax +39 06 90672787

Research Topics
  • Sludge treatment optimisation (anaerobic digestion and conditioning)
  • Sludge pretreatments as ultrasound or ozone
  • Sonolysis of organic micropollutants
  • Characterization of sewage, urban sludges and incineration ashes with particular regard to micropollutants fate
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Collaborative project Italy-India on “Novel methods for the management of sewage sludge with recourse to recovery and recycle”
  • CNR- Curiosity Driven Project on “Ultrasound application for decontamination of sludge from recalcitrant compounds”.
  • Research project (Region Apulia) “Energy and material recovery through anaerobic digestion of residual biomasses”.
Recent Publications
  • Pagliaccia, P., Gallipoli, A., Gianico, A., Gironi, F., Montecchio, D., Pastore, C., di Bitonto, L., Braguglia, CM (2019) Variability of food waste chemical composition: Impact of thermal pre-treatment on lignocellulosic matrix and anaerobic biodegradability, Journal of Env. Management, 236, 100-107
  • Tonanzi, B, Gallipoli, A, Gianico, A., Montecchio, D., Pagliaccia, P., Di Carlo, M., Rossetti, S., Braguglia, CM (2019) Long-term anaerobic digestion of food waste at semi-pilot scale: relationship between microbial community structure and process performances, Biomass and Bioenergy, 118,55-64
  • Braguglia, CM, Gallipoli, A, Gianico, A, Pagliaccia, P (2018) Anaerobic bioconversion of food waste into energy: a critical review, Bioresource Technology 248 (part A), 37-56
  • Montecchio, D., Esposito, G., Gagliano, M.C., Gallipoli, A., Gianico, A., Braguglia, C.M. (2017) Syntrophic acetate oxidation during the two-phase anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: Microbial population, Gibbs free energy and kinetic modelling, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 125, pp. 177-188.
  • Pagliaccia, P, Gallipoli, A, Gianico, A, Montecchio, D, Braguglia, CM (2016) Single stage anaerobic bioconversion of food waste in mono and co-digestion with olive husks: impact of thermal pretreatment on hydrogen and methane production. Internation Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2), 905-915
  • Braguglia, CM, Bagnuolo, G, Gianico, A, Mininni, G, Pastore, C, Mascolo, G (2016) Preliminary results of lab-scale investigations of products of incomplete combustion during incineration of primary and mixed digested sludge, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (5), 4585-4593
  • Braguglia, CM, Gianico, A, Gallipoli, A, Mininni, G (2015) The impact of sludge pre-treatments on mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion efficiency: Role of the organic load. Chemical Engineering Journal, 270, 362-371
  • Braguglia, CM, Coors, A, Gallipoli, A, Gianico, A, Guillon, E, Kunkel, U, Mascolo, G, Richter, E, Ternes, TA, Tomei, MC, Mininni, G (2015). Quality assessment of digested sludges produced by advanced stabilization processes. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 22(10), 7216-7235

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