Pierina Ielpo, Ricercatore

email piera.ielpo AT ba.irsa.cnr.it
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820512
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics
  • Sampling and chemical characterization of fine fractions of particulate matter.
  • Analytical methods development and validation.
  • Particulate matter transport processes.
  • Application of multivariate statistical methods (APCS, TTFA, CMB) to atmospheric and groundwater pollutants for the source apportionment.
  • Degradation of organic pollutants in water samples with AOP processes (Advanched Oxidation Processes).
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Integrated system for the particulate matter monitoring; 2007-2010 (Strategic project of Apulia Region)
  • Innovative and integrated technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater; 2006-2010 (FP6)
Recent Publications
  • P. Ielpo, D. Cassano, G. Mascolo, A. Lopez, G. Pappagallo, V. Uricchio. Source Apportionment of Ground Waters Pollutants in Apulian Agricultural Sites Using Multivariate Statistical Analyses. Taormina, 26-30 settembre 2010. CMA4CH Mediterraneum Meeting. ISBN978-88-7547-288-7
  • G. Mascolo, A. Pollice, G. Laera, A. Lopez, D. Cassano, S. Diomede, P. Ielpo, A., N. Michel, I. Pariente, A. Pinto, C. Salerno, R. Kuhn. INNOWATECH deliverable D 2.12 “Report on the application of integrated MBR/AOP process to pharmaceutical wastewater”;Maggio 2010
  • E.Andriani, M. Caselli, P. Ielpo, G. de Gennaro, B. E. Daresta, P. Fermo, A. Piazzalunga, M. C. Placentino. Application of CMB model to PM10 data collected in a site of South Italy: results and comparison with APCS model. Current Analytical Chemistry - Volume 6, Number 1, January 2010
  • M.Caselli,. G. de Gennaro, L. Trizio, P. Ielpo “A simple feed forward neural network for the PM10 forecasting: comparison with multivariate linear regression model”. Water Air Soil Pollut (2009) 201:365–377
  • M. Amodio, P. Bruno, M. Caselli, G. de Gennaro, P.R. Dambruoso, B.E. Daresta, P. Ielpo, F. Gungolo, C.M. Placentino, V. Paolillo, M. Tutino. Chemical characterization of fine particulate matter during peak PM episodes in Apulia (South Italy). Atmospheric Research, Volume: 90, Issue: 2-4, November - December, 2008, pp. 313-325.
  • P. Bruno, M. Caselli, G. de Gennaro, P. Ielpo, V. de Pinto, B.E. Daresta and C.M. Placentino. A method for the determination of Cu (II), Ni(II), Co(II), Fe(II) and Pd(II) at ppb/subppb levels by ion chromatography. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 30 477-487, 2007

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