Anna Maria De Girolamo, Ricercatore

De Girolamo
email annamaria.degirolamo AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820536
Fax +39 080 5313365

Research Topics

Landscape planning at basin scale

  • Distributed water quantity-quality models for Non Point Sources Pollution modelling in agricultural watershed
  • Simulation and evaluation of alternative scenarios

Characterisation of hydrological regimes in Mediterranean and semi-arid areas

  • Water budget at field and regional scale
  • Study of hill slope hydrology, erosion and nutrient delivery to the river
  • Hydrological models at basin scale
Research activities / Ongoing Projects
  • Thematic investigations in different river basins in South-European and North-Africans states to support the applicability of WFD the for temporary streams and hence supporting the development of Integrated Water Resources Management in the Circum-Mediterranean region.
  • Study of hydrological variables derived from long-term discharge records to describe flow regime of intermittent streams
  • Low flow hydrology in semiarid regions
Recent Publications
  • De Girolamo A.M., Lo Porto A., Santese G., 2009. Rainfall-runoff modelling: alternative scenario in a small mediterranean watershed using SWAT model. Folia Geographica-Serie Geographica Physica Vol. XL.
  • De Girolamo A.M., Lo Porto A., Abouabdillah A., De Luca D., Santese G., 2008. Evaluation of Flow Regime in Mediterranean Streams Using Flashiness Index, 21st Century Watershed Tecnology: Improving Water Quality and Environment Conference Proceedings, Conception, Chile March 29 – April 3.
  • De Girolamo A.M., De Luca F., Lo Porto A., Botti P., Canè G., Diliberto L. 2008. Studio dell’inquinamento da fonti diffuse nel bacino del Rio Mulargia: Applicazione del modello SWAT, L’Acqua 1.
  • De Girolamo A.M., Lo Porto A., De Luca D., 2007. Cambiamenti climatici e strategie di pianificazione. Due bacini idrografici a confronto, Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, 12(2).
  • Lo Porto A, Puddu A, Diliberto L, Cané G, De Girolamo A.M., Zoppini A, Fazi S, Amalfitano S, Barra Caracciolo A, Grenni P., 2006. Mulargia Catchment, Sardinia/Italy. In: Critical Issues in the water quality dynamics of temporary waters. Evaluations and recommendations from the TempQsim Project. J. Frœbric, M. Bauer Eds: 31-36.
  • De Girolamo A.M., Caputo M. C., Passarella G., Vurro M. 2005. Studio dei flussi idrici dal suolo alla falda con modello matematico calibrato con dati sperimentali. L’acqua 1.
  • De Girolamo A.M., De Luca F., Lo Porto A., Pappagallo G., 2005. Application of water management models to Mediterranean temporary rivers, 3rd SWAT International Conference, July 11-15, ZurichSwitzerland.
  • De Girolamo A.M., Limoni P. P., Portoghese I., Vurro M. 2002. Il bilancio idrogeologico delle idrostrutture pugliesi: sovrasfruttamento e criteri di gestione, L'Acqua 3.

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