Carlo Pastore, Ricercatore

email carlo.pastore AT
Address Via F. De Blasio,5
70132 Bari
Telephone +39 080 5820514
Fax +39 080 5313365

Aree di Interesse
  • Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione di matrici naturali complesse
  • Attivazione di Lignocellulosa per l'ottenimento di biofuels
  • Valorizzazione di oli di scarto per la produzione di biodiesel
  • Catalisi eterogenea ed omogenea
  • Green Chemistry
  • Uso di solventi non convenzionali in sintesi chimiche ed enzimatiche (Fluidi Supercritici)
Attività di Ricerca / Progetti in corso
  • PRIN 2012 WISE: turning organic Waste into Innovative and Sustainable End-products
  • SWaRM: Smart Water Resource Management
Pubblicazioni recenti / significative
  • Carlo Pastore, Antonio Lopez, Giuseppe Mascolo. Efficient conversion of brown grease produced by municipal wastewater treatment plant into biofuel using aluminium chloride hexahydrate under very mild conditions. Bioresource Technology 2014, 155, 91–97
  • Carlo Pastore, Antonio Lopez, Vincenzo Lotito, Giuseppe Mascolo. Biodiesel from dewatered wastewater sludge: A two-step process for a more advantageous production. Chemosphere 2013, 92(6), 667–673
  • Apollonia Amorisco, Vito Locaputo, Carlo Pastore and Giuseppe Mascolo. Identification of low molecular weight organic acids by ion chromatography/hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry during Uniblu-A ozonation. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27, 187–199
  • Aresta Michele, Dibenedetto Angela, Nocito Francesco, Carlo Pastore. A study on the carboxylation of glycerol to glycerol carbonate with carbon dioxide, the role of the catalyst, solvent and reaction conditions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2006, 257(1-2), 149-153
  • Aresta Michele, Dibenedetto Angela, Fragale Carlo, Giannoccaro Potenzo, Carlo Pastore, Zammiello Davide, Ferragina Carla. Thermal desorption of polychlorobiphenyls from contaminated soils and their hydrodechlorination using Pd- and Rh-supported catalysts. Chemosphere 2008, 70(6), 1052-1058

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